From the Dr. Oz Show.  While it was not the clearest or best representation of chiropractic.  It does state research showing chiropractic is at least as good as medicine for back pain.  Also, shows rehab which is important.  I will assume that the patient had an exam earlier that was not shown.  The effects of a joint not moving  correctly/fixated/subluxated was over simplified.  But overall a positive message showing benefits of chiropractic.

Back pain plagues as many as 80% of us – but guzzling pain killers isn’t the only way to get relief. A new report says that chiropractic therapy…
For more information about chiropractic, visit our website  Dr Brian D Barrett is a chiropractor @ Complete Chiropractic located @ 5930 Hamilton Blvd #8, Allentown, Pa 18106