Foam Rolling – Self Myofascial Massage

Normal Stretching is not always the answer to tight muscles.  You can have a muscle that is tight but lengthened.  The upper back has this a lot, where the muscle between the shoulders are stretched but tight.  Traditional stretching cause increases in muscle length and not all tight tissue needs lengthened and stretching it can actually increase your chances of injury. Self-myofascial release on the foam roller breakdowns soft tissue adhesions and scar tissue in fascia. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects all different parts of the body. Fascia surrounds muscles and abnormal adhesions can lead to muscles not working properly and pain. A foam roller works partially due to… Read More

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What is your pain costing you?, Chronic Pain cost Americans up to $635 billion a year

Chronic pain is costing Americans as much as $635 billion each year, according to a new study out of John Hopkins.  This includes medical costs and lost work time. This averages out to more then $2,000 a year to each American including infants and children.   The study, published in the Journal of Pain, found average health care costs for adults were $4,475. People suffering from moderate pain paid $4,516 more in health care costs than those without pain, the researchers said. Patients with severe pain spent $3,210 more than people with only moderate pain. Costs were also $4,048 higher for those with joint pain, $5,838 higher for people with arthritis… Read More

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Core Stabilization vs Strength

  There is a lot of articles out there on how to build core strength to prevent back pain.  For me the vast majority needs to be working on core stabilization vs just strength.  I have seen a ton of guys at the gym that do massive amounts of situps and crunches but still complain about back pain. The problem is 3-fold. The core is made up of a lot more than just the 6-pack (rectus abdominus).  There is the obliques and transverse ab muscles, the low back extenders (QL and paraspinals) and the gluteal muscles.  They are addressing only 1. They are working the muscle primarily for strength when… Read More

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The Hip Hinge: 1 of the most important exercises you aren’t doing

Whether you are an athlete or just someone with back pain, the hip hinge is an exercise you should be doing. We have all heard the phrase “Lift with your legs and not with your back.”, this is easier said that done.  Most people make the hinge point in the low back and not the hips.  This puts too much stress on the low back and can lead to injury.  As children we knew the pattern but for various reasons we lost it.  My personal opinion is it is because we sit too much.  Sitting deactivates the core and by sitting and having pressure on the glutes that deactivates them… Read More

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Foam Rollers: How can they help me?

Foam-rolling has been around for awhile but has gained popularity.  We recommend foam-rolling for a lot of our patients.  It is a great way to work out tightness in the muscles and fascia (connective tissue around the muscles. Foam Rollers: What Are They and How Can They Help Me? As foam rollers are becoming more popular among athletes, in gyms and in rehabilitation centers, many people are asking what are these things and how do I use it? A foam roller is a hard foam log which is usually 6 inches in diameter.  You can get different lengths of foam rollers depending on your needs.  They are used for working… Read More

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